Conference Topics and Format

The theme of this conference is “Consolidating our knowledge on Wind Turbine Noise”. In addition to the papers sessions one of the ways we plan to do that is with a series of discussion forums on key subjects. We can’t say, until the papers themselves come in, all the subjects the forums will cover but the general themes predominating at the conference are set out in the summary of abstracts below. Keep an eye on this page, it will be regularly updated with new information.

*NEW* WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region

In 2018 the World Health Organization (WHO) released the Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Regions including a conditional recommendation for wind turbine noise that is based on Lden. The Guideline Development Group only considered the wind turbine noise science base published up to 2015. There has been a rapid growth in research in the past 5 years so it is important to test the validity of the WHO recommendation against the totality of research published to date. David Michaud of Health Canada will be the principal speaker in a Forum chaired by Andy McKenzie of Hayes McKenzie and all attendees will have an opportunity to voice their opinions.

Source Noise Prediction and Validation

As with the last two conferences we have an varied selection of papers on trailing edge noise and a few more this year on leading edge noise. Serrations are still the predominant noise mitigation but have become more sophisticated.


An interesting collection of abstracts on propagation from as far afield as Uraguay, Canada, Sweden and Australia. Particular emphasis on the impact of meteorological conditions on propagation

Health Effects and Perception

We have a good selection of papers this conference on the subject; dealing with field studies and laboratory studies. In addition we have papers on how public and private perception influences reaction to turbines. We hope to pull some of the strands together with contributions from authors and others.

Background Noise

There has been a lot of work done on background noise in the last two years; particularly how it varies with the seasons and whether it can be modelled. Another possible subject for discussion bringing in non-authors as well as authors.

Receiver Issues

Last but not least is the largest group of papers dealing generally with noise at the receiver. This covers instrumentation: character of the noise, that is amplitude modulation and tones: noise and character standards and guidelines: problems with assessment and compliance testing.


As in previous years about two-thirds of the abstracts have come from Europe with most of the rest from Australia, Canada and USA but this year, perhaps not surprisingly given the venue, a small but welcome group from Brasil.
