Next conference:
June 10-13, 2025 | Copenhagen

Grant for Students and Young Researchers

For the WTN 2025 conference, financial support (in the form of a grant covering the registration fees) will be available for students and young researchers.

This financial support is provided by INCE-Europe, whose team has been organizing all previous WTN conferences. It aims at promoting interest in the topic of wind turbine noise, and offering an opportunity to the younger generation to improve their general knowledge on this topic.

In order to benefit from this grant, potential beneficiaries need to apply (see below) and a selection process will take place.

The conditions and terms for obtaining this grant are the following:

  • PhD and M.Sc. students are eligible (with higher priority), but young researchers can also apply.
  • The grant will cover the entire conference fees (including conference dinner). It will not cover traveling, lodging or any other expenses.
  • The applicants must fill in the application form and attach a one page CV. The application document should be merged into a single pdf file (including application form and CV) and sent by email to the following address: frba @ (with no space before and after the “at sign”)
  • The deadline for applying to the grant was initially set to February 9th.
  • The deadline for application is extended to March 2nd!
  • Decision will be notified to the applicants before March 22nd.
  • The organizing committee is solely responsible for deciding who will benefit from the grant, and complaints will not be considered.

Please contact the organizers if you have any question.

The new conference organizing team is very thankful to INCE-Europe for providing this opportunity!
