Next conference:
June 10-13, 2025 | Copenhagen

Wind Turbine Noise 2013

August 28-30, 2013

Marriott City Center Denver, 1701 California Street, Denver CO 80202, US

This was a very successful conference with 193 delegates from all over the world, including:

  • USA: 76
  • Canada: 26
  • Europe: 62
  • Asia: 14
  • New Zealand/Australia: 13
  • Other: 2

The INCE Europe team would like to thank INCE-USA for giving them the opportunity to hold this conference in the USA for the first time, and for all their help in making it such a success.

In addition we would like to thank the staff at the Marriott City Center Denver for all their help and assistance. It was a great venue and everyone was extremely helpful.

In this section

